Here’s a tip for media sellers to remember before presenting their next marketing strategy. One of the most effective responses to a complex or difficult question is often … a question.
We’ve all been guilty of losing sales because we blurt out answers to customer questions. Not every question deserves an immediate answer.
For example, a customer may say to your OTT recommendation, “I’ve tried OTT; it doesn’t work. I never saw my commercial and never heard of the apps it ran on.” Instead of jumping to two or three different explanations of how your OTT is different, dig in with some questions first. Clarify who provided their OTT. What was their CPM? What was their target demographic or geographic area? Did they buy direct or programmatically? Was it a blend of pre-roll and OTT or just OTT?
A seller’s typical initial reaction is to talk/sell/satisfy, but I’ve always found that when a challenging or complex question is asked, a great way to settle into my response is with a strong question.
Managers should train on QUESTION-based response selling. It’s a great exercise to promote more effective dialogue between your team and their customers. Especially if you have a group of “monologue sales reps” … because if so, I can almost guarantee closing ratios are low.
Many of the great sellers of our time are quoted as saying when asked what set them apart, “I asked a lot of questions.” Ask more questions and get better feedback—it will lead to more confident salespeople, and ultimately higher closing ratios.