A confused buyer buys nothing.
As leaders, we must constantly be on the lookout for confusing messages, complicated positioning and the like—this is especially true in the digital sales space, despite most of us selling many digital solutions for the last 20 years.
And our buyers’ digital marketing knowledge falls across a wide spectrum. Some understand the terms we use; some not so much. However, if sellers make the mistake of assuming all buyers fall on the ‘less savvy’ side, they run the risk of over-complicating the sales process and losing digital revenue.
These 3 steps help ensure a smooth digital selling process, making it easier for the buyer and for us:
1. During the diagnosis call, ask a few standard questions to vet a prospect’s knowledge of digital marketing:
• “How do you decide which content goes on your website, social or TV campaign?”
• “Tell me about your decision-making process for buying “ad words.”
• “How do you measure digital success?”
• “How do you use video in your digital efforts?”
These answers provide an immediate grasp of how deep a seller needs to get when creating the solution in their proposal.
2. Simplify slides:
• Less jargon; more white space.
• Easily relatable examples of the solution. Show how the customer receives it, and where.
• A visual or a story makes it tangible.
3. Dedicate a sales meeting to your digital selling process.
• Have your team come up with their own top 3 questions to vet a client’s ‘digital savviness.’
• Second, role-play asking the questions, and discuss where they fit inside a good CNA.
• Third, have team members bring in recent omnichannel presentations. Specifically, review the digital solutions to ensure they’re ‘Main Street’ not ‘Madison Avenue,’ and show real-world examples of the solution.
A confused buyer buys nothing!
An uncomplicated process and relatable examples will help your team close more dollars, and more often.