As things begin to open up in many places, more and more sellers will be heading back to the office and back out on in-person calls. Many have not sold face-to-face in more than 15 months, and some may have never done it, having been hired during the Pandemic.
Now is the time to begin “working out” those face-to-face selling muscles. Just like an athlete prepping for competition, if sellers haven’t trained those muscles in a while, it will take time to get back in shape again.
To help your sellers get buffed, here are several sales meeting ideas and tips:
- Go around the room and ask each rep to bring their best face-to-face tip. For example, best drop-in times with doctors are early morning, scanning a furniture store floor in person, and following up with an email stating how you noticed their La-Z-Boy selection…
- Prepare demo’s—particularly for digital. Give your sellers live demos of digital offerings. If you are selling your NewsApp take-overs, create demos for the team to physically bring to clients.
- Role-play reading and using nonverbal “language.” According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 rule, 7% of a person’s attitude and feelings are communicated through words, 38% through tone, and 55% via body language. Practice in this area can help a seller detect contradictions between a prospect’s words and their nonverbal signals. On the flip side, a seller’s lack of eye contact can indicate insecurity. And an accommodating tone of voice will promote collaboration and helps diffuse an argumentative situation.
- Remind sellers to qualify a business virtually first, allowing all to be more efficient with their “in-person” time. If the prospect has budget and intent, then they can do an in-person. If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past year we can glean a lot from a virtual meeting. There’s no need to drive an hour only to find out the chances of the business becoming a new client are next to nil.
Just as we had to learn and practice our skills for a virtual-only world, we need to get back on the practice field to prepare for this new season of hybrid selling (virtual and in-person).