OTT. It’s the acronym our sellers love to use to show we’re “with the times,” whether the seller fully understands the platform or advertiser opportunities. When we ask sellers to explain the difference between their OTT offerings and a competitor, it can get murky, and if we go one step further asking about targeting capabilities or VOD, CPM, Attribution tracking, etc. … we hear pauses and often, crickets. 🙂
That’s to be expected on the deeper nuances of these powerful platforms, but not so with the basics. So what are you doing to improve your team’s ability to sell OTT and the like? Here are three ideas that can ensure your sellers don’t get tripped up on the large or small idiosyncrasies of our multiple platforms:
- Role-play, role-play, role-play.
And not with your digital lead as the acting seller or buyer. Have your ‘broadcast first’ sellers be the sellers and buyers. You and/or your digital lead can guide/coach, but the real learning is gleaned when the sellers are the ones role-playing.
Role-play starter: ‘Dr. Bradley from Bradley Chiropractic. Dr. Bradley is not digital savvy, but wants to explore based on what he’s read/heard from other business owners. He mentioned he streams on Apple TV but that’s as much as he knows. OTT may be a good fit for him, since his clients mostly come from 10 miles around his clinic and are between the ages of 30-45.
- Success Stories.
Share very specific advertiser success stories using the various platforms (even if they come from a sister station or outside our own sales team). Stories focus on the items that matter—the basics of why the platform was used, and the outcomes it drove.
In your role-play scenarios, encourage the use of success stories. It will profoundly help your sellers to see, hear, and practice this skill and ability.
- Create simple cheat sheets (internal – not for advertiser consumption).
A “how we match up” or a “step by step” guide on where/when to utilize your various solutions.