I love our business. I’ve dedicated my career to helping local advertisers earn better results. So it bothers me when I see sellers make easily avoidable mistakes that can kill a campaign. Here are 2 classics I encountered recently.
Mistake #1: Lack of Focus. A seller’s HVAC prospect also does plumbing, electric, and solar—and wants to advertiser a true “one-stop shop.”
Solution: Help the advertiser focus their message. They are primarily an HVAC business. “Feed the strength, starve the weakness,” or come up with a completely separate brand extension for the other services.
I am NOT a fan of “one-stop shop” claims. I don’t want to hire a Jack of all trades, I want to hire a niche expert. When I have an HVAC issue, I want a good HVAC guy. When I have a plumbing issue, I want an expert plumber; same for electric. I don’t want a handyman who knows a little about a/c, a little about plumbing, and a little about electrical.
Mistake #2: Lack of Attention. On Sunday, I was watching the St. Pete Grand Prix. It’s a big formula one race held right here on the Suncoast of Florida. At 1 pm, an ad came on for a dominant local player in the jewelry category. They advertise twelve months a year and are very good marketers. The creative promised, “Huge savings, this weekend only, April 23, 24, and 25!”
Yet, it was 1 pm on the 25th. Don’t tell me the sale goes from April 23rd to the 25th on the afternoon of the 25th! It’s plain laziness and not in the client’s best interest to run an outdated piece of creative.
Solution: Traffic different creative through the campaign on all platforms. On Sunday, run an ad that says, “Sale ends at 5 pm today!” or “You still have a few more hours!” Better yet, how cool would it have been to have had special Grand Prix creative that said, “Enjoy the race … and then race over to The Gold and Diamond Source for huge savings today only!”
Our sellers must be experts. Their income and your advertisers are depending on it.