I love the Red Sox. It’s one of my few sport passions. So, obviously, this season and the World Series were pretty exciting for me.
In one of the post-game interviews, a Red Sox player quoted his manager, Alex Cora: “He tells us all the time. Just win the next pitch.” That reminded me of one of my core beliefs. I originally wrote the article below over a dozen years ago. I’ve updated it and hope it’s at least a great sales meeting topic for you. Win the Day!!!
Several years ago, I was discussing a manager whom I respect a great deal. He’s the news director of a larger market TV station. I’ve followed his career for a while and he’s been successful everywhere he’s gone.
I asked one of his corporate bosses why he’s so good. They said, “The thing about Jeff is he shows up every morning to WIN THE DAY. It doesn’t make any difference to him what happened yesterday. He shows up to win today.”
Win the day.
For some reason, the phrase has stuck in my head for a long time. I think it’s because it describes exactly what I need to do to reach the next level of success in my life. At this point, for me, it’s not about setting big goals. It’s about getting just a little more out of each day. Not a lot more… just a little more. Winning that day.
You see, everything we do boils down to what we do today. One of the earliest lessons of my sobriety was found in the words, “One Day at a Time.” For almost 35 years, I’ve said, “I don’t quit drinking forever… but I have quit for today.” Sound silly? Loaded with clichés? You’re right… but it has worked.
Little by little, I’ve extended the concept of living one day at a time to other areas of my life.
I now believe that the secret to achieving the next level of my success is in this concept of winning the day. Winning this day!
What does “winning the day” really mean? It means doing the little things JUST TODAY that can make a BIG difference in your life. Winning the day may not be a business program. Right now, my personal definition of winning the day has more to do with exercise, meditation, and my relationships with others than any business success. I already see that as I win the day in those areas, energy is created that helps me be more successful professionally as well.
For you, depending on where you are in your career, winning the day may be about becoming more successful professionally. It may be making 2 new calls or doing something special for one of your accounts. Or, reading a chapter in a book that will help you become stronger.
Notice I said, “A chapter.” You don’t need to read the whole book today. The entire concept of winning the day comes down to not trying to climb the mountain in a single stride, but rather taking the very next steps required to move closer to the goal. Winning the day today may be about taking one step in the correct direction, knowing that if you win enough days in a row you can accomplish anything you want!
Zig Ziglar always said, “It’s a cinch by the inch. But it’s hard by the yard.” In other words, take the things you want to accomplish and “chunk it down.” Don’t start by trying to lose 20 lbs. Start by losing 5. Or, maybe, just start by eating in a healthy way… today.
We’re in an interesting period in our business. As the business changes, we won’t be able to solve problems by hiring more people. Our companies, and we as individuals, aren’t going to make more money just because we want to. We must become more productive. We must see incremental improvement. We must win this day.
Here are two suggestions that work for me.
First, get very clear about what a winning day looks like. Make that effort as specific as you can. Ex: I’ll call 3 KEY clients today to say thank you. I’ll spend 3 hours prospecting the HVAC category.
Then… write it down. My trick for years was to write my daily goals on a 3 x 5 card that I carried around. I’d refer to it throughout the day and found that to be highly effective.
Here’s what I hope some of you might think about as you read this. What would be the impact if you, and all the people on your team, got just 10% more productive tomorrow, and then sustained that increase consistently. I propose to you that the impact could be significant – and needed in a challenging year.
Win the Day… and go Red Sox!
Have a GSM or GM meeting in your future? Why not have Jim Doyle or John Hannon speak to your meeting about how to turn your sales staff into a Sales FORCE? We promise powerful, thought-provoking content customized to your company’s needs. Contact Jim Doyle at jda@jimdoyle.com or call 941-926-SELL.