Your new hire impressed you enough to invite them to join your team.
Now, it’s your turn to reinforce their smart decision. And that starts before day one with a strong onboarding process. Here are 6 practices I’ve found effective to up the WOW factor with new recruits:
- One Week Before Start. Send them a small package with company swag, a card with welcome notes from the GSM and LSM, and pictures of the entire sales and management staff. With virtual abilities, another option is to have a pre-start-date ‘Welcome Zoom,’ either live or pre-recorded, sent to them. Key stakeholders on the call could share a thought on what they appreciate about the company.
- Make Day One special. Decorate their desk, print out a calendar with their first day or week planned out, take them to lunch, set up one-on-ones with other sellers. As a sales manager, I liked to prepare a new recruit’s entire first week and schedule meetings with important stakeholders so I could accompany them, especially with valued clients.
- Create a digital ‘onboarding folder.’ One that can be consistently updated. For each new employee, download it to a jump drive so they have it at their fingertips (and won’t gum up the original digital file). In this folder, are a checklist and cheat sheets. For new sellers, having foundational answers easily accessible helps build confidence faster. Put the time into creating this living onboarding tool, worth it on so many levels.
- Touch base each morning. For 1-2 weeks. Even if you’ve hired an experienced seller, they still need to understand the nuances of your company, products, and how they fit into your team. And they’re not yet as vested in the job as your veterans. If they get confused, they’re more likely to decide quickly that your station isn’t the right fit for them. I found it effective to schedule a five-minute chat on their calendar first thing every morning. That way, they knew what was expected of them for the day and I knew what to inspect the next day.
- Pair them with a buddy. You are always available to them, but having an upbeat veteran “buddy” to bounce questions or ideas off of, will free up your time and can make the new hire feel more comfortable faster.
- Identify 30/60/90-day mile markers. Schedule 1:1s coinciding with the mile markers and align your formal training resources with it. Whether it’s our OnDemand platform or your own company tools, set them up to succeed with formalized sales training and mile marker check-ins.
Touch base frequently with your new hires, and remember to inspect what you expect. It lets new hires know you follow up and care about their success.
In today’s world, retention and growth of a great hire … a great employee … is critical. Following the 6 steps above will give you and your new seller a strong foundation to build upon.