by Pat Norris | Aug 25, 2022 | Prime Time
What would you do in this scenario? You’ve got a new seller on your team. They’re gung-ho to close new business. On one of their reach outs, they talk to a business owner who’s receptive to a meeting. During the initial conversation, he tells the seller he’s got a...
by Pat Norris | Aug 9, 2022 | Prime Time
I have watched hundreds of sellers and sales managers ask for money and have asked for a lot of it myself. And through the years, I have become convinced that the art of closing—securing new local revenue—has nothing to do with the facts we present. Rather, it’s about...
by Pat Norris | Dec 28, 2021 | Prime Time
It’s a staple of the teaching philosophy—the diagnosis call is about uncovering a prospect’s needs and determining if your products can help them grow their business. It is not about selling your station or package. How that works to engage a prospect and...
by Pat Norris | Dec 8, 2021 | Prime Time
Anyone who’s ever been in sales has most likely encountered the prospect who was shocked at the investment number during the presentation close. To reduce this “fear factor,” I recommend covering the potential “ask” number during the diagnosis call. This way, during...